In the beginning of June Taiwan is all about the Dragon Boat Festival. Children and most of the adults have a day off and for one week races will be held on rivers all across Taipei. Some years ago I visited one of these races in DaJia Riverpark, but this year I was participating. I joined the VNT (kind of like the Dutch embassy here in Taipei). We had some practice and went to the start full of confidence. It was funny that one of our competitors in the first race was Sanchong. Exactly my hometown here in Taiwan. Although these were all old man and women, they were still pretty
good. Ready for starting sitting in our dragon boat, with the paddle in your hands, just above the water, waiting for the BANG of the startsgun. We were already warned that the start is very sudden, there is no 'on your marks'.....'get set'..... 'go'. No it is just waiting for a banging sound. ANd then finally it was there. One long stroke, 10 short strokes and off we were. Although I had a good feeling about our start, we were already behind. We were in 3rd place. The captain, who has a quit easy job banging on the drum to decide the pace, was pushing us to go faster and faster. But our arms got tired and we could not do anything anymore. We came in 3rd behing Sanchung (2nd) and some youngsters (1st). Well that was all for the Dragon Boat Race, we had to become the top 2 to go on a round. After the race I rushed to my work to teach English.
On Wednesday, Aming had to do the rowing. With his work they joined in as a tea
m. But this Dragon Boat Race was smaller and it was part of an political tour. Aming's boss has a lot of connections in p
olitics. He is a member of the green party, who wants Taiwan to become independant. At the moment there are some elections going on and so they could help. The lady of the green party was the flag catcher in Aming's boat. It is interesting to tell you, that these catchers have to lie on the head of the Dragon (in front of the boat) and lean forward as fas as possible to grab the flag. They curl their feet behind the ears or horns of the Dragon's head. This way they will not fall in the water. Aming won twice! But after that it was done and we could go home to take a rest.
We are trying to watch every game of the World Cup, but the last game starts at 2:30 in the night over here. You can imagine that we are sometimes nodding untill we both fall asleep on the sofa.
Tonight Holland vs Japan. Hup Holland Hup!!!!
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